Extended Warranty Program
LED Lights save between 40~70% energy compared to traditional HSPV & HID Lighting Systems.
In fact LED Lights are one of the best investments to reduce your factory Energy Bills.
LED Lights have an ROI (Return of Investment) of typically 1 ½ Years for Industries. Which is less than the Warranty Period of the product.
This makes Upgrading to LED an easy decision.
But being a Capital Item, Industries may face the issue of Budget approvals & Cost Constraints.
Understanding these difficulties, we at Inno LED have come up with a Unique Program, exclusively for Industries.
- We will understand the load & lighting requirements of your factory.
- Post that we will monitor the live energy consumption & LUX levels and suggest an Alternative in LED.
- We will give you a working ROI of the whole project.
- Based on that you can decide on either Up-front payment.
- Or go with our Extended Payment Program , the benefits of the same are listed below
- LED Lights are installed in place of old HSPV Lights with ‘Zero Downpayment’
- Customer can either choose to pay in fixed installments
- Or he can pay the Saving in EB Bill, if a separate Lighting Meter can be provided
Kindly fill up the details below for us to schedule a site visit for further study.